
Friday, November 20, 2009

New Contact

Hey Followers,

Well last night I made another contact. I was able to use twitter to make a contact with an individual that lives in L.A. and owns a clothing line. If you ever look at my "Tweets" you will see that I send tweets to everyone! The way I look at twitter is like this... If I saw a celebrity out I would probably try to talk to them. Twitter is kind of like having every celebrity at your finger tips! And just like in real life 99% of the time they ignore you. But, on some occasions you can get responses. I figure I have nothing to lose by doing this because I don't expect "Diddy" to respond to my tweets. But what if one day he is in a good mood and decides to respond? I have done nothing but gain. Pretty much it is a win-win situation. Unless you are a psycho and try to take it too far then you step into stalker stage and I would suggest that you never get Twitter.

Back to the conversation last nite. The owner of this clothing line allowed me to pick his brain for about forty five minutes. It was a really informational forty five minutes too. He was so helpful. His line is "Super Fresh Clothing" I am sure he won't mind me giving him a shout out on here so check out his website I will post the link at the bottom of this blog. After the conversation I felt really inspired because he pretty much let me know some more of the steps that I need to take in order to be taken seriously in the fashion industry.

I am hoping that people that read this will realize that this is not a joke. I am so sincere about making this thing work. I am sure that people are still gonna talk shit about me and how stupid I am for trying this. To hell with them though. I guess people tend to get mad when you don't do what is expected of you.

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you." -Zig Ziglar

After the conversation it made me realize how much that I do want this to work because I want to be in the position five years from now to be able to help some young kid that is chasing a dream. I want to be the one receiving a call from some kid that used social networking to get my phone number and help him through the stuff that he doesn't have experience in. Keep chasing your dreams people. If you shoot for the moon and miss you will still land among the stars!!

Thanks for reading.

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