
Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Business Angel

Hey World (aka my four followers!),

So last night I was able to have an in depth conversation with the fashion girl that I spoke of in my most recent post. She is nothing short of amazing! We spoke for about an hour and I feel like within that hour I learned more about the fashion industry than I have over the past three months reading on the internet. Up until last night all of my fashion sense had come by way of "Google" and it has been hard because the internet doesn't speak back to me when I say "Well, what does that mean?" This girl does answer my questions and she does it without a condescending attitude or wise remarks. She is without a doubt my business angel, she is kind of like our manager minus the paycheck. She doesn't feel the need to have her hands all over any of the designs which is amazing to me, she just lets me spit my ideas to her and she says that is good or that isn't gonna work. I appreciate her honesty as well as her time.

As I said before she is willing to do all of this for free right now! Emphasis on free. I was speaking with a co owner about my conversation with her and the first thing out of his mouth after I told him how helpful she was...

"Yeah, but how much is she gonna cost us"- Co Owner
"That's just it dude she said she would do it for free"- Me
"Dude, that is fucking awesome"- Co Owner
"Yes it is. I told her once we blow up we are putting her on the payroll"- Me
"Duh"- Co Owner

After about forty five minutes on the phone last nite she finally told me that I have to buckle down and draw some stuff that I want because she needs to get a better idea of what we want. Me just explaining it on the phone was starting to get a little confusing to her and rightfully so.

So, I want to let everyone know what point we are at for the company. Right now I have to draw up my designs, which will probably resemble finger paintings from when I was in First Grade. After I email "The Angel" my amazing drawings she will then make them look a bit more professional on the computer, from there we will send the designs out to manufacturers and after we get bids, we will choose the bidder with the best quality for the lowest cost obviously. Once that is done we pretty much have to get photos of pretty/handsome people wearing our gear up on our website and then the clothing line will be in full swing... Sort of.

Thanks again to "The Angel" I don't know if you will read this or not, but if you do thank you so much!!

Thanks for reading.

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