
Thursday, November 5, 2009

The First One

Hello All,

Just to start I want to share some things about me, who I am and what I am about. If you read my blog description then you already have some idea as to who I am. Like I said I am a 24 year old young man that came up with an idea for a clothing line, got some friends to pitch in some money and set off on an adventure to give the world good quality athletic clothing at a decent price. The idea for the line hit me one day while I was talking to a friend on the phone and after talking to some other friends this idea just got legs and has been running ever since. I was so sick and tired of sitting around with my friends talking about what we should be doing and never doing it. So, once this idea was born I cut the umbilical cord off of it and took off. I am so tired of seeing people walking around in a shirt that cost 3 dollars to make but they got charged 70 dollars for. I want to be the guy that takes off and doesn't sit back and just reap the benefits. I want to be the guy that takes off and then does the exact opposite of what my friends and I have been sitting around bitching about. "Man, look how much money they have, and they don't do the first thing with it that is good." I can't even tell you how many times those words have come out of our mouth.

The reason why this blog will be entertaining to most is because I am a completely blunt and honest person, with this said... I have no clue what the hell I am doing. I mean I have the website domain name bought, I have the name of the line trademarked and the little catch phrase is trademarked as well. Aside from the basics I am clueless. I was actually on the phone the other day with a clothing manufacturer and she had the nerve to ask me "Um, do you even know what you are doing?". I couldn't help but laugh at the woman because she totally called me out on it. I thought I could just buy some shirts from the local screen printing shop, put my company logo on a "Hanes" shirt and sell it for profit. Wrong. I now know that I must buy the fabric (clueless), find a fashion designer (clueless because apparently I can't just tell a manufacturer I want a green shirt made of polyester and elastane with my logo on it) find a manufacturer (also clueless), and find people to buy my stuff. Now the last part I think that I am kind of savvy on I mean I have been an athlete and purchased athletic goods for a majority of my life and I know what people like when it comes to athletic gear. Now, just because I know that doesn't mean that as soon as I find a designer and manufacturer that my clothes are going to go flying off the shelves, but like I said I have some idea.

Lastly and most importantly I am writing this blog as a means to let young people out there know if they have an idea or a dream that it is OK to chase it. Even if you haven't got the first clue about what it is going to take, chase it. If you want to be a painter but don't know the first thing about water colors who cares? Be a painter. If you want to be a model and your teeth look like you eat rocks who cares? Just don't try to model for Crest. I hope that this blog can actually inspire some people to do something different and go against the grain. I have had people laugh in my face and tell me how stupid I am for trying this... Motivation!

Thanks for reading!

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